Gizdich Ranch
Acrylic On Canvas Board by UT1
Acrylic On Canvas Board by UT1
Always adequate,
Always measuring up (and
how quickly they
can become has-been
often laughable, even derisory).
Untie the words, you say,
loose them from their pain;
unite them in reason, one to another
till they follow like sheep
to the slaughter in their inadequacy.
July 8, 2011 by UT2 ©2012
Conte Crayon On Paper by UT1
When you are through
the washing of dishes
there is the
washing of dishes
and when you finish
washing of dishes
there is the
washing of dishes.
Find time to milk the cow.
And plow?
Find time to make things rhyme.
Find time to be word-absurd,
soak head in bucket of water..
I shall soak my head in a bucket of
slop; yes, I said poetry.
(Paint word-acrylics
and be embecilic. I said poetry.)
When you are through
the washing of dishes
there is the
washing of dishes
and when you finish–
washing of dishes.
©August 18, 2015 by UT2
Soft Pastel On Paper by UT1